The country’s population is about 17 million and about 2.5 million in the capital, Phnom Penh. Other significant towns include Sihanoukville on the coast and Battambang in the West near the Thailand border. The country’s recent history has been dominated by the war, with the rule of the Khmer Rouge (Pol Pot) from 1975 to 1979 claiming the lives of close two million Cambodians. The Khmer Rouge wiped out a great deal of the country’s intellectuals includes Christians, pastors and leaders and this has personally affected most everyone you meet in Cambodia. In that time the Pol Pot destroyed everything, schools, hospitals, factories, to the point that people worked as slaves to produce rice. There were no church, no gospel. We have said that it was the prison without walls in the whole country. Vietnam liberated the country in 1979 and controlled it for a decade, much to the dismay of the West. After a protracted negotiation and disarmament process resulting in a free election in 1993, a stable government has now emerged. Only since 1998 the country has full peace.

          Although the country enjoys the peace, the consequences of the war have caused us many problems: 55% of the people cannot read and write and 40% lives under a standard life. They do not have real peace in their heart.

          The Good News has opened up again in 1990 before the first election after the war, and churches have been planted. Now Christians in Cambodia have about 200.000 believers that mean 1.5 % of Cambodians.


In the second week of February 2001 Peace of Christ Church was established and founded by the Elders team who desired to serve the Lord as teamwork to be a fulfillment His covenant under the direction of the Holy Spirit. Peace of Christ Church has a Vision, Calling Aims, and Plans for whole ministry in Cambodia. Starting with 12 believers from home to home, by His grace the Lord has now blessed us with the establishment of a network of churches in many locations.




As many Cambodians become disciples of Jesus Christ and live in both spiritually and physically healthly. They would be a blessing to follow the greatest commandment, to the glory of God.


God has called and anointed us to work together with a group of His saints in managing and founding a congregation as well as serving Him in the wholistic ministries. Nehemiah 2:1-8.


            Our mission is to glorify God by serving the Gospel and make disciples everywhere in Cambodia to fulfill the mandate of the great harvest by cooperate with the body of Christ in National and International.

  1. GOAL
  2. To submit and follow the Great Commission of our Lord, Jesus Christ, in Cambodia.

Mathew 28:19-20.

  1. To cooperate with different agencies to submit the calling.
  2. To make disciples and teach them to obey His commandments and practice as the Apostle Paul taught us in 2 Timothy 2:2.
  3. To follow more closely to the ways of early church by signs and wonders as in Acts 2:42-47
  4. To evangelize first then and plant churches throughout 24 cities and provinces in Cambodian, as the Holy Spirit leads us according to his purposes, step by step.
  5. To conduct seminars and set up training center for training trainers, Pastors, leaders and all church workers and believers.
  6. To train congregations to develop and sustain by themselves.
  7. To set up Bible Training Centers (from one level to another levels and becoming a Bible University) in Phnom Penh.
  8. To build church building in Phnom Penh and every are of Cambodia by local and oversea funds where the people can come to worship the Lord and to equip them.
  • To increase human resources & Leadership Capacity Building from level to another levels.

To fulfill our objective, we are committed to:

  1. Prayer and Intercessor
  2. Making Disciples
  3. Planting Cell Churches
  4. Sharing Resources
  5. Going Missions
  6. Serving as in local Partnership
  7. Serving as in international Partnership
  8. Sending the servants of God to train in abroad either short term or long term.
  1. We value Meaningful Fellowship
  2. We value Fruitful Discipleship
  3. We value Intimate Worship
  4. We value Powerful Prayer
  5. We value Generous Giving
  6. We value Practical Ministry
  7. We value Effective Evangelism
  8. We value To be example life (Salt & Light)


Statement of Faith

            We, Peace of Christ Church believe:

  1. There is only true living God. God is the Tri-une God and exists from before the beginning. The bible reveals that God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit exists as one. Separately and corporately, He is mighty

powerful and glorious, as God is the Trinity. He is the Creator of everything, supports everything, and controls everything. (Deuteronomy 6:4; Matthew 28:19)


  • The Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He is part of the Trinity and was

born through the power of the Spirit as the son of man. He was born from a virgin girl named Mary. He was crucified on the cross on the mountain of Calvary. He was buried but He has risen on the third day. He was taken up into the Heaven and now He sits on the right-hand side of the Father. (Luke 1:35; 1Corinthians 15:3-4; Mark 16:9)


  • The bible is the Word of God through the inspiration of the Spirit. There is no mistake. The bible is the essence of faith and the infallible

instruction for Christians. (John 1:3; 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:21)


4          God created mankind in His own image. (Genesis 1:26-27)


5          Mankind has sinned and falls short of the glory of God. We are saved through faith and the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 3: 23-25;

Ephesians 2: 7-8)


  • Christians must live holy lives according to the measure of the Word of God. (Hebrew 12:14; 1 Peter 1:15-16)


  • The Lord has promised all believers baptism in the Holy Spirit so that they have authority in Him, and they might do wondrous things and speak in tongues. (Acts 1: 8; 2: 4/ 38-39; 10: 44; 19: 6)


  • Water baptism is the sign which means our old lives were buried and we have risen in the new life in Christ. It also means all believers are adopted in Lord Jesus Christ. We baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. (Matthew 28: 19; Romans 6: 3-4)


  • The Holy Communion with wine and bread is the sign to all believers; they are part of the body. Jesus Christ reminded us to do this in remembrance of Him until He comes back again. (Acts 2: 41-42; 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26)


  • The church is the group of people who is called and put their faith and belief on Jesus Christ who was sent from God to fulfill His purpose. The true believers and local churches are brothers and sisters and are a part of the whole church and were formed from the church of the firstborn whose names are written in Heaven. (Ephesians 1: 22-23; 2:22;

Hebrews 12:23-33)


  • We are given spiritual gifts which are according to the truth in the bible which helps us proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to mankind and to multiply the churches. We believe on every free gift which is written in the bible. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. (1 Corinthians 12: 4-11; 28-29; Romans 12: 6-8; Ephesians 4: 11-13; 1 Peter 4: 10-11; Hebrews 13: 8)


            12        For leadership, Christ is the head of the church and He has anointed the                              leaders to take care and shepherd His church. Pastor and elders are the                               ones who are delegated in leadership of the local churches of God.


13        The discipline in the church is to strengthen spiritually in order for each member to walk on the right path according to the Word of God which is written in the Bible. The discipline is made by a group of elders based on the measure of the bible.